ELECTION LATEST: It's so close
Elections in Hinckley and Bosworth are a close fight between the Liberal Democrats and Conservatives
Your vote WILL make the difference between whether our next MP is Lib Dem Michael Mullaney or a Conservative MP.

People across the new Hinckley and Bosworth constituency have a clear choice at the General Election. Either popular Liberal Democrat councillor Michael Mullaney will become our new MP or we will have more of the same with the Conservatives.
No other result is possible here.
At this May's election in Hinckley and Bosworth, the Lib Dems were a close second to the Conservatives here. Labour were a poor third.
A Labour vote will help the Conservatives win
A vote for Labour here risks letting Hinckley and Bosworth's Conservative MP sneak a win and help this government cling to power.
Boundary changes mean that traditionally Labour-voting areas are moving out of this constituency into the Mid Leicestershire constituency. Labour just can't beat the Conservatives here.

Even Labour HQ have admitted they are not fighting to win in Hinckley and Bosworth.
The Labour Party’s national HQ call Hinckley and Bosworth a ‘non-battleground’ seat.

The Labour Party’s national volunteering website tells their supporters in Hinckley and Bosworth to campaign in North West Leicestershire instead.

Support grows for Michael
More and more people right across Hinckley and Bosworth are backing Lib Dem Michael Mullaney at the upcoming General Election.
Lib Dem Michael can beat the Conservatives here.
I'm backing Michael
More and more people are backing local Liberal Democrat Michael Mullaney to win in Hinckley and Bosworth at the General Election.