Council demands government rethink plans to scrap Winter Fuel Payments

Hinckley Liberal Democrat Councillor Michael Mullaney put forward the motion which calls on the government to rethink it’s plans and ensure that all pensioners who need the Winter Fuel Payment continue to receive it.
Michael Mullaney in proposing the motion said “I call on the government to think again and drop its plans to remove the winter fuel payments from the vast majority of pensioners.
“Speaking to residents in Hinckley and Bosworth it is clear that many are disappointed, angry and anxious about the governments current proposals for Winter Fuel Payments.
“Under the plans 22,431 pensioners will lose their winter fuel payments in our Borough and just 1,807 will continue to receive them.
“This means that a staggering 92.5% of pensioners in our Borough will lose their Winter Fuel payment.
“Do we really believe that over 92% of pensioners locally are all well off? Do we really believe that many of those who lose out wont be facing anxiety and stress at the loss of what was for many vital extra income to keep their homes warm in winter?
“Now government says the payment will still be provided for pensioners on Pension Credit. But the reality is many of those eligible for pension credit 4 in 10 of those entitled don’t claim it. That’s 880,000 of the poorest pensioners nationally and many locally who aren’t claiming the pension credit they are entitled to and so will miss out on Winter Fuel Payments too if these plans go ahead. I would urge all pensioners who think they may be entitled to Pension Credit to apply for it.
“Now I understand that our new government faced a huge economic challenge left to them by the previous Conservative government and that they are having to look at difficult decisions as a consequence.
“I understand that the idea of a Universal Winter Fuel payment was criticised as some very wealthy people who didn’t need it got it.
“But I have to say that any change that excludes 92.5% of pensioners in our Borough has drawn the line for qualifying far too narrowly and will mean that far too many pensioners who need the Winter Fuel Payment will lose it.
“With fuel costs set to rise again in October many pensioners may face the appalling choice between eating and heating their homes.”
Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council passed the motion unanimously. Michael added “I thank the Council for supporting this motion. Now it is time for the government to listen and drop its plans. A rethink is needed it is wrong for the vast majority of pensioners to be losing a Winter Fuel Payment that many of them will need.”