Council Leader announces cuts to town centre parking charges
Council Leader announces cuts to town centre parking charges

At Monday night's meeting of Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council, Lib Dem Council Leader Stuart Bray announced that the ruling group will cut car park charges to give a boost to town centre trade.
Cllr Stuart Bray says, "One of my administrations top aims is to do all we can to ensure that our town centre remains vibrant. In recent years we have invested in our historic market and produced a comprehensive events programme to attract people to come into town, in conjunction with the Town Centre Partnership.
"I hope this latest initiative will help boost trade during these tough times for the retail sector. Hinckley has many good quality independent shops, as well as a number of national chain stores and has a lot to offer.
"The last Conservative administration increased parking charges every year to their current record levels. Since taking over the Council in 2007 we have frozen the basic charges and now I want to see them reduced."
Under Cllr Bray's proposals, the minimum charge for short stay parking will be reduced from 70p to 50p and the charge for 2 hours will be reduced from £1.20 to £1.00. Other charges will remain frozen.