County leader told to drop failed Unitary plan
The Leader of Leicestershire County Council Nick Rushton was again urged to drop his plans to abolish Hinckley and Bosworth and the other Boroughs in Leicestershire to create one Unitary authority for Leicestershire.
Speaking at the full county council meeting Cllr Michael Mullaney, Lib Dem finance spokesman labelled the Tory leader's plans to continue to push for a single Unitary Authority "financially wreckless"
Michael Mullaney said "The Council leaders plans to abolish Hinckley and Bosworth and the other Boroughs in Leicestershire to create one Unitary authority are opposed by Tory MPs, opposed by Tory Borough Council leaders, opposed by the Lib Dem opposition on the County Council and opposed by the public when asked such as in the recent poll by Hinckley & Bosworth Council.
"The relevant government minister James Brokenshire has said the government will not support any Unitary plans which don't have popular support. It's clear Mr Rushton's plans for Leicestershire do not have support locally.
"The plans for a single Unitary for Leicestershire are dead in the water as they will be voted down in parliament. Continuing to spend county council officer's time and public money on consultations is a financially reckless move given how struggling financially this county council is.
"The best thing the leader of the County Council can give Leicestershire is to drop his flawed plan for a single Unitary Council now."