Lib Dem County Councillors call on government to drop “harsh” and “cruel” plan to scrap Winter Fuel Payments for the vast bulk of pensioners

Leicestershire County Council has backed a campaign to save the Winter Fuel Payments for the vast majority of pensioners.
The government wants to remove the Winter Fuel Payments from all pensioners apart from those who claim Pension Credit. This would mean 129,000 pensioners in Leicestershire losing the payments.
Today the County Council has backed a motion proposed by the leader of the Opposition Lib Dem Councillor Michael Mullaney calling on the government to drop its current plans.
Proposing the motion Michael Mullaney said “I have spoken to many pensioners here in Leicestershire who are worried about the governments plan to take the Winter Fuel Payment away from almost all pensioners.
“Many pensioners I speak to are worried that with the cost of living crisis and Fuel bills set to rise again it will be a real struggle to pay fuel bills this winter.
“Under the government plans the vast majority of pensioners in Leicestershire will lose their Winter Fuel Payments. 129,000 a staggering 92.5% of pensioners will lose the payments under the government plan. That will include many pensioners who are struggling to make ends meet.
“The governments plan as it stands is harsh and cruel it will see a number of pensioners struggling and having to make choices between heating and eating.
“Thank you to the County Council for backing the campaign to save Winter Fuel Payments today. I hope the government listens and drops the plans.”