Liberal Democrats select hard-working campaigner to fight for Markfield, Stanton-Under-Bardon and Field Head

Liberal Democrats in Markfield, Stanton-Under-Bardon and Field Head have selected hard-working campaigner Robin Webber-Jones to be their candidate in the forthcoming by-election caused by the resignation of Conservative Councillor John Cort.
Robin, has been busy campaigning in Markfield on the issues that concern local people. Robin said "I want to be a councillor who listens to local people and takes action on the things that worry them.
"The big issues people have been telling me they are worried about are the Conservative County Council's plans to put an incinerator in nearby Bardon, speeding traffic on local roads, the future of local Post Offices and Conservative dominated Regional Assembly plans forcing 12,000 new houses across the borough.
"I have already spoken to many local people and the one thing they keep telling me is how glad they are that the Liberal Democrats and I are listening to their views and campaigning on issues that affect the area. Many people have told me how they felt let down by the previous Conservative Councillor who failed to even turn up for 86% of the council meetings he was supposed to attend.
"Gordon Brown's Labour government in disarray and Labour Party support having collapsed across the Borough at recent elections, this election in Markfield is clearly a race between myself and the Conservative candidate".