Massive Response to Incinerator Petition

A petition against a planned incinerator organised by the Liberal Democrats has received a massive response.
Liberal Democrat campaigners have been collecting signatures from people in Bardon, Markfield, Field Head and Stanton Under Bardon against County Council proposals to build an incinerator at Bardon Industrial Estate. The petition has received hundreds of signatures from residents.
Leicestershire County Council is currently consulting on putting a waste treatment plant into Bardon. The options include "combustion of household waste".
Petition organiser and Liberal Democrat campaigner Robin Webber Jones said "Local people don't want an incinerator. The huge response to this petition, and the public meetings held against the incinerator show there is huge opposition to the plans.
"If the County Council is going to put a waste treatment plant in Bardon it should not be an incinerator. There are real fears that if an incinerator is built it will increase traffic on local roads, and lead to gases and smells being pumped into the air."
Lib Dem leader on North-West Leicestershire District Council Michael Wyatt said "I am delighted to see so many residents agree with us that the plans for an incinerator at Bardon must be scrapped. Leicestershire County Council Tory Bosses need to realise that we want more recycling not burning of rubbish. Incineration should only be considered as a last resort, and situated in a isolated spot well away from any residential area".
People can still add their names to the petition online at