More action needed on winter gritting
A local County Councillor is calling for more action to tackle problems caused by icy roads and pavements in side streets across the area.
Cllr Stuart Bray who represents Burbage and Hinckley town centre on the County Council says, "The gritters have been working very hard to keep the major routes clear and they must be thanked for the job they have done in difficult circumstances. But in this prolonged cold spell many of the side roads across the area have remained treacherous, and in some cases impassable, for nearly a week. This is causing problems of people being able to get to work and get out to get shopping and access other local services. Many streets across Hinckley and Burbage are not included on the gritting route and I think the County Council needs to do more to ensure these are kept safe for vehicles and pedestrians."

Cllr Bray has also signed up to a campaign by Living Streets to keep pavements ice free following requests from constituents living in Burbage. Cllr Bray says, "As the highways authority the County Council is the responsible body for maintaining roads and pavements. I have happily signed the pledge and will do my part in trying to persuade the County Council to do more on this."
For more information on the Living Streets Campaign