Sign the petition to save local care homes
You can sign the petition to save the Care homes at
The campaign to stop the sell off or closure of local care homes is gathering support. Conservative run Leicestershire County Council is proposing to sell or close many local care homes including the Limes in Hinckley and Harvey House in Barwell.
Michael Mullaney, Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for Hinckley and Bosworth said "Support for saving the care homes is growing. Between us the local Pensioners Action Group and I have already collected nearly 2,000 signatures in support of the care homes. This evening there was a consultation meeting about the Care Homes in Hinckley and the audience were unanimous in wanting to keep the care homes open.
"TheConservative run County Council says it will close the care homes if they can't be sold. When they have tried to sell them in the past they have failed, which means there is a real threat to the homes.
"The public are strongly against the plans to close the care homes. I just hope Conservative bosses at the County Council listen and drop their plans."