Lib Dems set to freeze Council Tax for 5th year.
Lib Dem Council leaders in Hinckley and Bosworth are set to freeze the Borough Council's part of the Council Tax for the 5th consecutive year, the Council Leader announced on Tuesday night. Cllr Stuart Bray (Lib Dem, Hinckley Castle Ward) told the full Council that his administration continued to ensure the Council was on a firm financial footing for next year and the next three years. Cllr Bray said "This will mean that throughout the full term of this Lib Dem administration we have not increased Council Tax by a single penny, yet we continue to maintain good local services. On top of this we have a regeneration record that is the envy of council's across the country with work well underway on bringing a new cinema, leisure centre and shops and restaurants to the town. "Residents only need to compare this to the record of the Conservative County Council who are axing staff and slashing services such as the funding for the well-used green waste service and local libraries." Under the Liber