Councillors calls on Home Secretary to take more action on scrap metal theft
Two Hinckley Liberal Democrat councillor's have written to the Home Secretary asking for the government to take more action to deal with the problem of scrap metal theft.
Two Hinckley Liberal Democrat councillor's have written to the Home Secretary asking for the government to take more action to deal with the problem of scrap metal theft.
Sign the petition opposing the Conservative County Council's decision to cut funding for PCSOs in Leicestershire
The decision by Conservative bosses on Leicestershire County Council to cutback support for Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) has been condemned by local Liberal Democrats.
Burbage County Councillors Stuart Bray and Keith Lynch are calling on the County Council to reduce the current 40mph speed limit on Sapcote Road to 30mph.
Hinckley and Bosworth's Liberal Democrats have welcomed news of more government support to help get local young people back into work or education.
Please sign this petition backing Lib Dem plans to give working people an income tax cut