Hinckley Councillor welcomes Campaign to Protect Rural England campaign against greenfield development
A report into housebuilding on greenfields sites has been supported by a local Councillor.
A report into housebuilding on greenfields sites has been supported by a local Councillor.
Hinckley Lib Dem Councillor Michael Mullaney has welcomed the decision that Police and crime commissioners would be scrapped under Liberal Democrat manifesto proposals.
Hinckley County Councillor Michael Mullaney welcomed the huge attendance at a recent business networking event in Hinckley as a sign of how positive things are going in the area.
A NEW national campaign to encourage more young people to take up apprenticeships has been welcomed in Hinckley and Bosworth.
A local Councillor has welcomed a huge drop in unemployment in the local area.
Hinckley Liberal Democrat County Councillor Michael Mullaney is urging County Council Conservative bosses to drop their plans to cut services for people who have lost their sight.