Tories fail to fund local councils properly
Residents in Hinckley and Bosworth are to be hit with rising Council Tax bills this year as local councils are having to balance their budgets and maintain vital services due to swingeing Government cuts.
Residents in Hinckley and Bosworth are to be hit with rising Council Tax bills this year as local councils are having to balance their budgets and maintain vital services due to swingeing Government cuts.
A local Councillor has raised with the government minister responsible for Fire services the need for fair funding for Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service.
Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council last night backed a campaign calling for the government to raise the Carers Allowance for hard-working local carers.
The Hinckley and Bosworth Liberal Democrat Council group have tabled a motion which calls for better support for carers across Hinckley and Bosworth, including increasing the Carers allowance by £20.
Residents in Leicestershire are to be hit with the maximum 4.99% Council Tax rise, an equivalent of over £67 for a band D household, after the Conservative County Council passed its budget today.
The Liberal Democrats are calling on the Government to "give carers a break", by giving councils immediate emergency funding so they can provide the support services unpaid carers need to take a weekly break.
Read Ed Davey's speech to the Liberal Democrats' Autumn Conference in Brighton
Carers are not just support for their loved ones—they are the glue holding our fragile social care system together. They deserve more than token acknowledgements or empty promises.
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