Councillor calls for Walk in Centre or Minor Injuries Unit in Hinckley.
A meeting was recently held by West Leicestershire NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) about the future of Health services in Hinckley.
A meeting was recently held by West Leicestershire NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) about the future of Health services in Hinckley.
Liberal Democrats in Hinckley and Bosworth have condemned plans, announced in the recent Budget by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, to force all schools currently under Local Education Authority (LEA) control to become Academies.
The Conservative-run Cabinet on Leicestershire County Council made a decision to close Barwell Library. It's the first library to be closed following a decision that the County's community libraries need to be taken over by volunteer groups in order to stay open.
If you oppose plans by Conservative run Hinckley and Bosworth Council to bring in a Brown Bin Tax please sign the petition here
Liberal Democrat Councillors voted against the Conservatives proposals for a new tax on brown bins at the Council meeting today (18th February 2016).
Campaigners who fought to save the 2nd Fire Engine at Hinckley Fire Station are celebrating