Business Secretary praises Hinckley & Bosworth
The Rt Hon Dr Vince Cable MP, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills visited the new Hinckley Hub to hear about annual savings for the tax payers and job creation in the looal area. The new Hub on Rugby Road houses Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council and Job Centre Plus, the Police and the Leicestershire County Council are soon to share the facilities as well. Leader of the Council, Stuart Bray said "People living in the Hinckley & Bosworth area will not only benefit from having these services under one roof but the local tax payers will also save at least £75,000 a year. This will help keep this council as one of the lowest council tax authorities in the country". As well as taking an interest in the Hinckley Hub Dr Cable welcomed the news that Hinckley & Bosworth were at the centre of creating 1000's of new jobs for local people. Cllr Michael Mullaney said "Despite the economic mess left behind by Labour, we have managed to invest in business, jobs and apprenticeships to help